Family Meetings And Meeting Agenda
Once I returned to work after having my first child, it was clear to me that we, as a family needed more communication and connection to prepare for the week ahead. I looked into the idea of a "family meeting" and felt like this could be a good fit for us. Family meetings allow for clear communication and expectations to be set for everyone in the family. Much like a work meeting, I knew this meeting had to be purposeful, efficient, and useful for everyone to buy-in. Every Sunday (which is the beginning of our week), we sit down as a family and talk about the items listed below. Here is a sample of what a family meeting agenda could be:
What will we eat and what do we need to purchase
Who will pick up and drop off for daycare
What bills or other financial things need to be addressed
What do we each want to focus on for ourselves that week
What events are coming up
Overall, this only takes about 15-20 minutes, depending on the week. And while it can feel a bit odd and formal, it does help set the tone for better communication throughout the week. Often you hear (mothers in particular) say that the mental load of parenting and managing a family is a lot. I agree with this statement because I, too, have experienced that challenge. While this practice didn't immediately solve that, it really has helped to "share the burden."
No longer is there a daily conversation or conflict about who does what and what is happening. Because 'we've taken the time to connect, review our goals, schedules, and expectations for the week.
We now have much more flexibility and mutual understanding when something arises. I know it can be hard to make a change in a family, so I am offering a monthly group coaching on family meetings. If this is something you would like extra support and encouragement in, check out my services here.