I can’t wait to connect with you…


Brittany Reed, MPA

Brittany Reed is a working mom, coach, and facilitator on a mission to empower women to stop living on default. I help you eliminate burnout and emotional overwhelm so you can create the life you want with complete confidence. I do this in three steps by helping you be curious about what you really want, conquer self-doubt and judgment, and step into the courage and confidence needed to reach your goals.

Let me take a guess… You are likely doing well in some aspects of your life. You may be owning it at work but not balancing life at home. Or your home life is going well, but work is a struggle. Or both might be a hot mess, and you need a total overhaul of your life (I’ve been there). You don’t have to live with the default settings of your life. You can design your life, your legacy, and anything else you want. How do I know? Because I am and continue to be an example of my own damn coaching. Daily I stop living on default and step into my self-confidence to design the exact life I want.

But I’m not a unicorn or super special, this is available to you too. If you sit and question, “Is this it?” we can get you to the place of “YES! THIS IS IT.”

I work with you to shift your mindset in the following areas: 

  • Your career, professional development, and productivity

  • Your debts, assets, net worth, and relationship to your finances

  • Your relationships with your partner, friends, and family 

  • Your health, mental health, and general well-being 

  • Your home organization, personal organization, and environment

How can I help you?

I want to empower you to thrive in whatever part of your life that isn’t leaving you totally fulfilled and content. When we work together, we take a three-step approach:

  1. Analyze your values and the essential areas of your life. 

  2. Identify gaps and areas of alignment. 

  3. We cultivate the mindset needed to reach your goals.

The first step is to connect with me! 

I can’t wait to help you reach your next goal or level up in your life. I work with local people in the Bay Area, and offer remote coaching from the comfort of your home through Zoom.

What to expect

I practice what is known as causal coaching as taught by Brooke Castillo from The Life Coach School. I hold a certification through The Life Coach School. In addition, I weave teaching, lessons, and insights from many other personal development leaders. I’m inspired by Brene Brown, Pema Chodron, Byron Katie, Tim Ferris, Steve Chandler, Gay Hendricks, Tara Branch, and many others.


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